Originally Posted by RJY66
The thing that does not make sense about this is if they had the software in 2016, did they not use it then? Were they so overconfident regarding a Hillary win?
It would have been a lot easier to fool the American people back then. The polls were promising an overwhelming Hillary victory and if they had made it happen with hammer and scorecard, no one would paid a lot of attention to Trump railing about a "rigged election". Up until that point, polls were pretty accurate.
Now after 4 years of a pretty darn successful administration, watching the fake news media lie about things every day and get called out about it by Trump, a fake impeachment, seeing the massive crowds at his rallies, more people are on to them....probably a significant part of the 70 million that voted for Trump. They could have saved themselves a lot of trouble stopping Trump in 16.
They were positive that with minor cheating Hillary would win. They were caught by surprise. No telling who got in a whole bunch of trouble for that screw up.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."