Originally Posted by benquick
Originally Posted by Raeford
Is the pic from here[US], because it could be from basically ANY country in the world you ph uk in MoRon

A nurse at a New York hospital took the photo in late March. I wish those who think this is a hoax could visit a ICU where cases are spiking to see first hand the horror and heartbreak.

Good morning Ben, I work in Manhattan, every day 68th and York Ave., Manhattan. All of the top hospitals in the world are here. I know plenty of doctors plenty of nurses, As of today no bodies are stacked up like cord wood. Last year was a difficult time all around the world, Not just in New York not just in America.Trump did an excellent job in dealing with the virus, at least this is what nurses and doctors are telling me, they’re not too happy with Cuomo and deBlasio.Don’t listen to the major news outlets.