Originally Posted by Borchardt
Originally Posted by 12344mag
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Also, the right is far less likely to become a violent mob bent on death and destruction than is the left.

I disagree, The right just hasn't demonstrated themselves yet and when they do it'll make Antifa look like choir boys because once they start they have nothing to lose.

So far one 17yo is the only demonstrator of any consequence. I see no big rush to join him, too easy to pontificate on the keyboard.


Like you would know of anyone doing anything if they were effective. Anyone effectively hitting the left wonโ€™t be talking, and wonโ€™t be talked about until the left canโ€™t keep it quiet any longer. Rittenhouse was a kid who got wrapped into a bad situation and did the best he knew how to do with it. Completely reactive. A proactive person who is effective will operate for a while before the average joe ever knows anything is even happening.