Originally Posted by Seafire
Well its 6 AM now... on the West Coast no less...

so you boys back East must be on your way to the hardware store, Walmart, Church or sneaking out to go hunting...

Me, I'm gong to be waiting until 1 PM for the fog to burn off and then trying to get a few things done, of the endless list I've got on my plate at the moment...

Last year, I took over 250 thirty nine gallon garbage bags of leaves off the property... this year, I am mulching them.. endlessly..
pretty much every day,, its not raining...

I think I have gone thru more fuel in the mower and the blower, than I have all spring and summer...

I have 55 oak trees in the front yard... and about as many in the back....but I don't go any getting leaves in the back...
my wife just wants the front yard to always look pretty for the neighborhood ladies...

thank God she has a husband or this place would have leaves piled as high as the roof...she'd never touch it.....

but the day I am finally dead and gone, she'll realize it...

I'd get bids and log it off. If you can't mow it, dont grow it.