My Paternal Grandfather, was drafted into the US Army and participated in Operation Torch, the Invasion of North Africa, during WWII. He was a staunch Christian for all his life. He told me near the end of his life, about being in combat, during the war. His outfit was without a chaplain, and it was Sunday. He pulled together some ammo crates and opened his bible. He lived his life to 94 years as a Sunday School teacher. He began in North Africa. He taught a lesson, and then led prayer. After that, he never stopped. On that day, there were no walls, no steeples or bells. No one was wearing a suit. He had no organ or piano. Just communication between men who were close to their Creator and their mortality.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis