Originally Posted by efw
I think it’s a tragedy any time a life is wasted even... nah... ESPECIALLY when the person could be said to have “had it coming”.

The fact that the narrative seems to point to this supposed “social justice movement” as the man’s salvation even as they’re writing an article about how he attempted a car jacking after joining that same salvific movement says a lot.

So many gospels out there; so little hope. Especially when placed as by this guy in “significance” as his worldview defines it... power...

I’ve met people who had a rough upbringing and suffered unjustly by evil in this world but bore up under it and found meaning in life apart from the power to take out revenge for their suffering on nearby innocents and those people are something to behold.

They don’t die trying to steal and they don’t build a lifestyle around complaining and blaming. But this seems to be the direction our culture has chosen for its young people and I think it’s as depressing as anything I’ve ever seen.

Maybe Your culture chose it but mine didn’t.