Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
First sentence says it all: "Progressives all across America have declared war on Asians, meritocracy, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).

神圣的他妈的狗屎 (google translate it)

This is beyond surreal, we are actually seeing the Revolution of the Idiocracy.


Actually, I recognize “sheng de ta ma de gou shi"(圣的他妈的狗屎)Do I need to go further, or is that pretty much the gist of it? And why 狗屎 in particular?

As for the public schools going away from merit based entry, it's of no matter when it comes to the Asian community. As many have noted, Asian families will do what is needed to get their kids educated properly. Case in point, my half chinque sons are now in a private school for the rest of their pre-collegiate education, as the public school was going to have covid remote learning indefinitely, as opposed to the private schools in person instruction. The kids love being placed in smaller classes based on their ability to perform. The older boy in 8th grade did struggle a bit at first - being an 8th grader in an Algebra II class filled with juniors (and not having the geometry background that sophomores get) but still pulled out the A for the first half term. And yes, I'm bragging. But while he has been driving me and his mom nuts with his rebelliousness for the past 11 years, he still makes us proud.

Leighton - can I get a membership on the campfire banana booster squad, what with my progeny and all? Or am I just one of those white oppressor men, keeping you yellow folk down?