anusbender: You are exposing your ignorance AGAIN!
No one said she won't be a demonrat somewhere, somehow, sometime!
It is being said she was REMOVED as ranking member of perhaps THE most powerful Senate Committee BY radicals within her party - and that forebodes MUCH about the legislation and the "hearings" that the demonrats will push for starting real soon!
If your ignoring that scenario makes you feel better about the status of the demonrats in federal political offices then ignore away!
But your ignoring what the radical demonrats have done to this long time demonrat only verifies your ignorance.
In other words you are ignorant!
And that is sad in a way.
But again, ignore away if it somehow makes you at ease with the radical demonrat agenda!
I think your feeble attempts at "rationalizing" what the demonrats did in this instance and what they are planning for the future is, well, ignorant!
Hold into the wind