Interesting the evolution of the college degree and the term participation trophy, and the redefinition of intellegesia.

When compared to the Cognitive Elite in the book, "The Bell Curve" and the comparison between the goals of its cognitive elite and the rich and powerful as described by the author in this post.
Originally Posted by Dess
Excellent post, and the current move to have student loans paid for free.

History repeating itself before our very eyes. Interesting times.

The articles authors about the pendulum swinging and history repeating itself.

Just a thought if interested. Pendulums are sinosodual waves whose path through time has a defined phase, thus the term history repeating itself. Bad part is, the analogy gives no information on the amplitude.

Better to use the guy who said, paraphrased. The flapping of a butterfly wings in India causes a typhoon somewhere else (Lorenz). A third order system having a basis of attraction allowing for bifurcations to different outcomes much like a Hopf bifurcation found in hysteresis systems.

Last edited by Etoh; 11/25/20.

Most people don't have what it takes to get old