One of the VarmintSons bought himself a "home defense" pistol as he lives out Seattle way (Mountlake Terrace) and the long summer of love out there got him motivated to augment his long guns with a high capacity semi-auto pistol.
Pickins were/are VERY slim out there and about 3 months ago he was able to secure a brand new Smith & Wesson Performance Center "ported" M&P in 9m/m.
This model has just wonderful fiber optic sights that aided myself and the VarmintWife's shooting when we took our son and his pistol out to the range yesterday while he is here for the week.
I liked EVERY thing about this high capacity pistol not just the wonderful fiber-optic sights (green dot front and orange dots in the rear), the grip fit me perfectly and was stipled EXTRA non-slip style along with the deeply scaled slide gripping area - all handling and operating of this pistol was positive/non slip.
The front of the frame was equipped with a pleasingly designed/looking rail system as well.
We tried 5 different brands/styles of ammunition including hollow-points and round nose FMJ - all functioned fine - I am guesstimating we ran right at 100 rounds through it with no hitches or glitches!
The pistol has an ambidextrous slide bar lock and it appears the magazine release can be reversed for left handed shooters.
The pistol came with two high capacity magazines (17 rounds apiece) and again they functioned flawlessly and were relatively easy to load.
I didn't have the balls to ask the VarmintSon how much this PC Smith cost him but he did relay that he was glad that the folks at Lynnwood Guns got it in, notified him and sold it to him!
They allowed one box of ammo to go with the gun and he has been shopping the north Seattle area ever since buying the gun for more ammo with NO luck!
I had some ammo around and borrowed some more and pulled in a favor from a LGS here in SW Montana to get another box on the down low!
Ammo in this caliber is gonna be a problem for some time, I am afraid.
Accuracy wise we set our target stantion up and NO sight adjustments were needed - so away we went shooting orange center clay pigeons pretty regularly at 15 yards.
I was impressed with this pistols feel and function and it appeared to me the six "ports" on the forward frame help in allowing for immediate re-acquisition of sight picture!
But the most impressive feature of this Smith & Wesson Performance Center M&P for me was it appearance - I mean it looked COOL and looked GREAT!
Maybe when things get back to normal (if they ever do?) I will add one of these to my pair of Glocks in 9m/m?
Hold into the wind