Hunted South Dakota for pheasants this year for the first time, spoiled on private ground. We also got into some on public ground and enough seen in road ditches to know they were around the area. I've never seen as many ducks at one time in my life as I did driving by a couple potholes. Duck tornado. Circumstances just right to pile them all in there.

I've hunted Kansas all my life. Back in 2006-2008 it was awesome for pheasants. Everybody shooting 4 bird limits. Thats a thing of the past now. Many of the old hotspots don't even have birds now, or reports are 'we hunted all day and saw 3'. Opening day, the best, easiest pheasants to kill, in an area thats the current best region, our group of 5 killed 6 birds hunting daylight to dark. Did others kill more? Yes. Did others kill none? Yes.