Originally Posted by joshb729
Originally Posted by okie john
You killed a deer. An 80-yard run isn't out of the ordinary. Don't beat yourself up over it, and don't beat up anything else.

Okie John

The run isn't what bothers me. It's the zero blood left behind. Not a drop. No exit wound. Bad bullet for the gun/distance. Probably a better round for a longer 300-400 yard shot but it's just too fast/soft at 75 yards to get any penetration.. Just giving a review/public service on it.

Shoot lower. You were in "no man's land" with that shot. Too low for a spine hit, too high for major blood vessels. It isn't a great shot. Wrecks the tops of the lungs, and can sometimes "shock" the spine, but it doesn't take the fight or flight out of 'em.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.