I have an HTP DC only TIG welder, 13 years old. Has been a good machine for what it does.

I now have a Lincoln Square Wave TIG 200.
The SW200 is a very good TIG regardless of cost. How a similar HTP model compares to the SW200 I don't know first hand but would think the Lincoln would be as good a machine in the long run and appears to cost less.

My old HTP had some different size electrode cups/fittings etc. than what would be "standard" on Miller or Lincoln but that could just be from that era of machine and model. Check them out closely and look for reviews on both and compare replacement torch parts/consumables availability and go from there.

Also consider the HTP welders are all 220v(?) vs the SW200 is standard 120. I've found the SW200 is not lacking in any way with 120v vs 220v, just plug in the wall and go.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

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- Alexander Hamilton