Originally Posted by FatCity67
Originally Posted by gunzo
WM is out of Zinc, maybe later. But thanks Slummy for the suggestion.

No mathman, it's Bud Light so had to get 20 cases for 14 days.

Beer with Zinc? Did it just got healthier.

Thanks to all. I don't feel terrible. If this doesn't go into those rib pulling coughs I'll be happy. Been there with upper raspatory infections & finally wore a wide pistol belt around my chest that I could grab & cinch up when I started coughing. It was bad. A neighbor that had Covid this spring said the rib pulling was the worst part of it..

Try GNC.

If GNC doesn't have it or you can't get there get you some Zycam. Melts or nasal swabs or spray. I like the nasal swabs. Lately when someone (like my son) has come down the China virus I start on the Zycam and take a few B vitamins and a C vitamin with my multi vitamin I take every day. Haven't ended up with it yet.