Chris... for this technique I'm using a cable with the flash. Basically my wife or assistant is standing probably 2-3 feet from the subject and 'aim for the nose'. I make adjustments of their aiming point based upon the picture. The subject is a little lower than the flash...seated on the cooler, while the flash is held at chest level from a standing assistant. My camera is handheld.

If one wanted to get fancy they could use umbrellas and reflectors etc...this is just a handhold down and dirty technique. I plan on using it at the next navhda event - whenever that it is - so people can get some dog/people/gun portraits for their own use. For free of course, this is just a hobby for me.

Or, if I had to shoot like 20 in a row or something then I'd set-up a tripod for camera and flash so it would be quick assembly line like photos.

The pics are very sharp...I should probably soften them up in light room...but I am a very lazy photographer. I usually crop, adjust the saturation a little and print to jpeg.

Last edited by LeakyWaders; 12/20/20.