Originally Posted by LeonHitchcox
The real issue comes from the 18th century meaning of well regulated. it meant skilled, not tightly controlled, but just try to educate the liberal twits of that.


Language evolves with time, so today, we have to look back how words were used then and meanings as intended. This is the fight that is a constant battle in interpreting the Constitution.

"Originalists" stick with what was meant and intended at the time it is written, which is how all laws are supposed to be interpreted and applied.

The older meaning of to regulate still is used with respect to building double barrel rifles, which have to be "regulated." The barrels are tested and adjusted until the two barrels both go to the same point of aim.

Here is Daniel Webster's definition of "to regulate" from the first dictionary of American language in 1828.

REG'ULATE, verb transitive

1. To adjust by rule, method or established mode; as, to regulate weights and measures; to regulate the assize of bread; to regulate our moral conduct by the laws of God and of society; to regulate our manners by the customary forms.

2. To put in good order; as, to regulate the disordered state of a nation or its finances.

3. To subject to rules or restrictions; as, to regulate trade; to regulate diet.
