Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Sams club.

For the most part batteries are batteries. There’s only a couple of manufacturers in the US and they swap the labels at random. Paying 2-3X for designer brand batteries is dumb, buy the cheapest, maintain them right and replace them when they quit.

It’s like folks that pay $3 for a bottle of Dasani water, it’s the same as the 50 cent house brand.

Deep cycle batteries are a different bird. The lead to fiber ration is different than starting batteries. The deep cycle plates end up being thicker. The drying of the deep cycle plates is a challenge. One easy way to determine basic quality on the deep cycle batteries is to pop the caps off and look at the plates. If they are thick and straight you are good to go. If they are warped it is an indication that the drying process was rushed. Be careful there are lots of manufactures selling deep cycle batteries out there with starting battery plate design.