Originally Posted by JKB
but any tips for the first timer?

Don't slam the truck doors, click them closed QUIETLY.

Whistle and hand-signals for the dog. No voice commands and don't be yapping with your hunting partners, collectively shut your pie-holes.

Whistles don't seem to bother late-season birds. Voices and yelling dog commands will have them headed for points unknown as far away as they can hear you, well out of range.

Slow down, then slow down some more, then do it again. Late season roosters will wait you out WAY longer than you can believe. You cannot catch the wild-flushing hoards, you have to hunt for the lazy stragglers that think they can wait you out.

Last edited by horse1; 12/29/20.

I can walk on water.......................but I do stagger a bit on alcohol.