Originally Posted by Bill_N
Originally Posted by KenMi
That video was "new" over a week ago as well

1st I've seen of it or heard of it. Sounds like pretty solid proof of corruption to me. It's all laid out there if you take the time to watch it. How is this not making the news? You think Fox would be all over it or did they sell out too?

Hell, that video was "new" SIX MONTHS AGO! It was released back in June and I posted it here then. It's been nothing but crickets since it was released.


If anything was gonna come of it, you'd think that it would've happened by now, but as usual, leftists never, ever face any consequences for corruption unless they are very low-level or seen as a threat to the chosen ones in some way.

Example 15 bazillion of the mainstream media refusing to do their jobs when it pertains to Leftists, yet they breathlessly report on the flimsiest of heresay accusations when it pertains to any "right of center" elected officials.
