Originally Posted by gemby58
Heck in PA we have 205,000 more people voted than registered ,that would have gave PA to Trump, im so freaking proud to be a Pennsylvaniain. Fugck this state

Lived in this state (PA) all my 68 years and never thought I would be ashamed of being a resident. Myself and many hundreds of other patriotic people including many elderly waited in line for 3+ hours on nov. 3rd to cast our votes for Pres. Trump, only to have all of our votes wiped out by the fradulent illegal votes that were counted. Dem Gov knows what counties are mainly republican, and they had the R counties polling places understaffed. All of the DEMONRAT counties in or near the large cities were moving quickly, friends told us they only had to wait 10 mins.in line ... WTF ??? If this is allowed to stand we are all headed to ruin as a Republic. Sadly,,The only option Trump has left is the military, all other law enforcement and intel agencies are corrupted. Include SCOTUS in with that too.!!

Last edited by monty852; 12/31/20. Reason: change