Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by Hawk_Driver
Originally Posted by hillbillybear
No, because I figure his own RINO infested Party will bail on him and his efforts.


In a way this is the crux of the biscuit.

The real problem is The Donald is not a Republican in their terms. Previously he leaned toward the Democrats it would seem. When it was convenient.

The Donald does not fit in any of their boxes, he has the resources of his own to not be beholden to any part of the Establishment, and I honestly believe that is what pisses them off.

He's not truly a member of the Party, they didn't throw their weight behind him before he beat their candidates in the primaries. They only supported him after election when and if it suited their political needs, not necessarily if it suited the American Public's needs but not that of their financial and political backers.

I don't think he stands much of a chance of staying in the White House, they don't want four more years of him upsetting their apple cart.

One must remember, outliers and independents like Trump, Ross Perot, hell even the Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabards on the the other side, are not going to be supported by an Establishment (call it the Deep State if you must) that is geared toward providing benefit to their sugar daddies while throwing a bone or three to their constituents.

Look at the inner workings of Congress. Does one get appointed to important committees if one is not a political ass kisser? Who's running the show in each of the Houses? How long have they been there? What kind of an uproar is there when "youngsters and outsiders" challenge for those leadership positions? And some here think that Congress may just fix this election result???

There may be a showing from some Reps from very secure districts, but I seriously doubt there will be enough to end up calling the election in some manner for The Orange Man, He's not only looked at as "bad" by the Left you know.
