Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
It comes down to human greed. A guy makes 1/4 billion, legally or not. How much can he spend in a lifetime? It doesn't matter how much he can spend, he still wants more. Look at our pro athletes, making millions a year. They can't spend it all but its a game, a matter of making more than the next guy. Look at our high tech billionaires, Bezos, Gates, and the rest, incredibly wealthy but still fighting for more. There's never enough. You've heard the old saying about the millionaire who died. "How much did he leave? All of it."

The problem with Western gazillionaires is that they’re not content having more money than God, they want to tell everyone else what they should think and how they should live, especially if there’s even more money for them in it. Gates, for example, knows that climate change is a hoax, but there’s money and power to be had for those that run the scam. These guys have egos that dwarf those of most politicians.

What fresh Hell is this?