Sorry fellas, but I have to rant & vent, and I feel like I cannot post on social media as I am a public high school US/World History teacher. And, NO I do NOT bring my politics to the classroom, unlike my counterparts. Fearful of posting what I wrote below (in MS word and copied below) to my fascistbook wall, as I truly believe one of my communist/democrat friends will use it to cancel me. (Your thoughts? Will the leftists on the school board fire me for this?)
**LANGUAGE ALERT** I apologize in advance to my friends and family for such an angry and blunt warning. I’m absolutely SICK of being gas-lighted and called on to ‘unify’ by my leftist/democrat/communist/socialist friends!
To ALL my friends, every cry for unity will be met with a firm ‘shove it up your ass, you hypocritical son-of-a-bitch!’
You crybabies did nothing but bitch, moan, whine, cry and complain for 4 years and NOW you want unity? You supported a COUP ATTEMPT and told us that PRESIDENT TRUMP was a Russian asset! (We know it was all a communist/democrat [YOUR SIDE] plot to overthrow a FREE & FAIR ELECTION and a LAWFULLY elected president.) NOW, YOU support a compromised [bleep]-bag who is in REAL collusion with China! HYPOCRITES!!!
Dementia Joe ‘won’ a stolen election. Your ilk did NOT win a free & fair election. Senile Joe and the pandering/pathetic/smug pos Harris are NOT legitimately elected. DEAL WITH THAT. But…but…but… the MEDIA said there’s NOT ENOUGH FRAUD TO OVERTURN THE ELECTION!! At least you people can now come to terms and ADMIT there’s election FRAUD!!! (It’s okay, you can admit it, WE already know.) It’s a 12-step program and you people have come a LONG WAY since 11/03. Good for you! NOW, if you can just follow the PROOF of fraud. (DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, I’m not providing links for you to chase down. It’s OVERT and OBVIOUS this election was stolen. Pull your head out of your… and have a look around for a change!
YOU are turning this country into a banana republic. ‘No fraud.’ God damn liars! THEY QUIT COUNTING VOTES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP KICKING THE EVER-LOVING [bleep] OUT OF DEMENTIA JOE AND THE PANDERING, SMUG Harris! DENY THAT!!! When the lights came on, and they kicked out Republican poll observers, the American-hating communists (YOUR SIDE) wins! Shame on you for endorsing a stolen election. NEVER in my lifetime did I think we’d become just another [bleep]-hole communist country, but that’s where leftist leadership leads. Thanks for nothing, friends. But…but…but they recounted the votes and Dementia Joe won! Sorry, but when you recount fraudulent ballots over and over, you get the same result. Duh…thought you people were so ‘smart?’
YOU accuse PRESIDENT TRUMP of being an autocrat/tyrant and destroying norms? Pfft…you ain’t seen nothing yet! ‘Boo-hoo, We can’t get our priorities through congress so we’ll DESTROY the filibuster and ELIMINATE ALL minority rights.’ Yay, how’s that for ‘destroying norms?’ HYPOCRITES. Say goodbye to your first and second amendment (over my dead body). Let’s add DC as a state; NOT because AMERICANS want that, let’s do it so WE can continue our communist revolution and Kalifonicate the rest of this (once-great) country. Boo-hoo, meanie conservatives control the court, so we have to pack the court. LOSERS. Too bad we couldn’t orchestrate a divorce while the good guys controlled the levers of government the first two years of Trump’s presidency. I don’t want to live under leftist authoritarianism and slavery. No thanks. Unity? I want a DIVORCE.
This isn’t a RANT, it’s a WARNING. Whenever you communists/democrats/socialists/leftists cry UNITY, you’ll be met with ‘shove it up your ass, you hypocritical son-of-a-bitch!’ WHERE were your pleas for unity over the last 4 years????!! HYPOCRITES! Block me, unfriend me if you must, but you will NOT cry unity and ‘come together’ on my watch for the next 4 years. Be thankful I’m leaving fascistbook for MeWe and Parler and think twice if you want to be friends on those other platforms. I don’t mind having communist/leftist/socialist/democrat friends, but you won’t get away with pissing down my back and telling me it’s raining for the next four years!
We (MAGA/Trump supporters) are good people and we want an admin (like Trump’s) who will PUT THIS COUNTRY FIRST, not last. We LOVE this country and our God-given rights. We don’t agree on much, but we’re not trying to destroy or overthrow the system to get our way, we’re playing fair and within the rules. Thank God for Trump, because we have a fighter and champion that has taught the right how to FIGHT and stand up to your ilk. You have an illegitimate president and we want a divorce, not unity! How dare you call for unity…