Originally Posted by LouisB
When one chooses their hard water fishing spots are they same general area one would fish in soft water times?

Fish the same areas year after year?

Have never fished hard water so it is all foreign to me!

Actually yes, fish are often very close to the same areas year round because the prey species are in the same areas. The same places year after year is a great question. To some extent yes, it's the same areas. Habitat and habits change so there can be different patterns. Our lakes got zebras so the water clarity is improved and now the weeds are growing deeper so the fish can find food and shelter deeper. We also got curly pond weed which has pissed off all the landowners but the fishing is through the roof. Its basically a hatchery for baby fish. In our lakes, things have never been better.

I'd never drive to Canada to fish. I might for hunting but we have tons of great fishing in the US. Is it better there? of course it is but it's a long darn drive past a ton of fish to get there.