Burned up? Geesh, the list of invasive species in Florida reaches from Key West to somewhere up near Alberta probably....and that doesn't include illegal aliens. sick

Plants, animals, snakes, etc, etc...flippin' F&G has even stocked some in So. Florida. I do not, and never will understand why this stuff is allowed into the country. If you just gotta have one of "them" in your life, move to wherever they live. If you want to research it, get your passport current and go...elsewhere.

Our latest rage here on the Gulf Coast is Australian Jellyfish; their favorite menu item is juvenile fry of snapper and grouper.....

I'm gonna go puke...thanks for bringin' this up. sick

There are credible reports that Pythons are not the worst of it out in the 'Glades. My understanding is that a viable colony of kraits is living down there as well...but it's probably not politically correct to bring that up from an official perspective. mad

Last edited by DigitalDan; 07/26/07.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain