Originally Posted by okie
Originally Posted by J23
Originally Posted by Joel/AK
Trump would still have the power. With crap like this circus impeachment, it grows.

They are scared of him and us.

Not sure why they'd be scared of "us" (I'm assuming you mean Conservatives).

All the Conservatives have been doing over the past two decades is bending over, taking it up the azz, and proudly boasting that they're the party of law, order, and compromise.

The left owns the media, courts, IRS, Federal law enforcement, the white house in a few more days, house, and the senate. The Supreme Court has shown they're ballless, despite the conservative majority. The ones doing the burning, looting, and pillaging are under the left's control (Antifa/BLM).

What would they be afraid of?

2024 is what they are trying to head off. Ramming through an impeachment now and having the Senate name him as not ever being able to run for ANY office again is within their grasp and they feel they have the momentum to pull it off....

There will never be another fair election. The die is cast, the Rubicon has a four lane bridge across it.

Imagine a corporate oligarchy so effective, so advanced and fine tuned that its citizens still call it a democracy.