Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Now you need to look into getting herring roe on kelp...

We used to buy the dried seaweed sheets regularly at Costco and the Asian stores, but even the China Doll tired of it. It’s kinda tasty with rice and whatnot. Has a nutty taste to me. Don’t know if fresh kelp is available anywhere around here. The plague has us restricted from making the journey to the big Korean supermarket we used to hit every few months, so our diet is taking a Western turn other than the homemade dumplings, eggrolls, steamed buns, and mooncakes she cranks out. We grow some Asian veggies like daikons and a few others, when we can find the seeds.

Now that my herring roe is on its way, I’m itching to try the dried and salted Italian mullet roe too. The wife is from the North end of China and never ate anything like that, so I expect it’s a Southern thing.

What fresh Hell is this?