Just cruised some info on it. Up about 44K in numbers from 2018, when we left.

They seem to be coming around to my way of thinking: that the "pregnant cows only" ("to slow the decline"!) season the last couple years of my residency until at least 2020 was ridiculous. They are now (Jan 2020) proposing bull harvest year around. (younger ones are palatable, even in rut), and calf harvest (50% will be bulls, any taken will not be orphaned to uselessly die anyway if orphaned, and calves are the least "invested" of the population).

I haven't checked 2020 regs to see if it passed or not

I knew the regulation... and objected.......and the rest is none of your business.

I hunted the 40-mile herd the last 2 years, where they are trying to slow the INCREASE. I had no objectiuon to us taking 2 apparently un-calved cows and an orphaned calf last year.

Might run out before August- maybe should have taken another animal. We could have taken 6, total.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.