Good evening to you sir, I hope that you as well had a day as decent as possible and all in your sphere of influence are well.

While I've not heard of that particular combination, one never knows what the clever folks will make up and then fiendishly put in the checkout line to entice us to buy and try.

At the Can Tire stores, the Franks brand has flavored popcorn as well as several unique flavors of chips like Korean BBQ - along with regular BBQ of course - and the Ketchup and All Dressed.

Besides the All Dressed, my go to is Turkey Stuffing chips. So help me they taste like real turkey stuffing and who doesn't like stuffing?

Well not me obviously, I love stuffing and apparently am somewhat addicted to turkey stuffing.....

But once again I digress and Hawkins Cheezies are definitely worth a try, but so are Franks Turkey Stuffing chips too... I need to get to town again some year. wink

All the best to you all.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"