Originally Posted by gunzo

Rotella has a super reputation, but it may not be the right choice for an ATV.

Some ATV's require an additive for the clutches. I can't remember the spec, but it's there & not present in other oils. An old Honda dealer once told me he was out ATV oil so he wasn't giving me a sales pitch cause he couldn't sell me any if I wanted it.. But that I should use ATV specked oil. Didn't matter if it was Kawasaki, Suzuki or whatever, just use an ATV specked oil.

I do.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the spec you're speaking of is JASO and Rotella T6 meets JASO/JASO MA.

The only reason not to use it, would be based on RockChuck's post above. I remember reading something about it and what you mentioned, that's why I started the thread.

I appreciate your reply, thanks.

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