ILLEGALS may be extremely hard working Catholics. They can come to America LEGALLY, by registering, having a background check, and a health checkup like everyone else who comes here LEGALLY. No one can keep our a LEGAL immigrant.

With ILLEGALS we don't know how many bring in sickness and disease, jail records, arrest records, murderers, rapists, child trafficers, or drug dealers.

ILLEGALS come from a SOCIALIST country background and bring their SOCIALIST ideas with them. They will vote for the party that wants them here (DEMOCRAT).

ILLEGALS work for less than minimum wage, being illegal, no papers, no record, to tax paying. They also work for cash (under the table). This keeps many AMERICANS from finding jobs LEGALLY and paying taxes. This also keeps the pay scale LOW.

Trump tried to keep out ILLEGALS, got rid of many useless work regulations, gave tax cuts, and the economy BOOMBED. Pay scales went up, blacks AND LEGAL Hispanics got jobs. Everyone was happy before COVID and CHEATING.

JimFromTN you are truely an idiot. Liberal professors in ivory towers come up with these idiot ideas and have no REAL WORLD experience. I hope the Texas Rangers and national guard keep out these illegals crossing the RIo Grand so they have to go further west in the desert.