Originally Posted by smokepole
Just saw a report that they arrested the woman who swiped the laptop. Her ex-boyfriend turned her in.

Said she planned to sell it to Russian intelligence.

So much for the Special Forces angle......

She is under investigation for stealing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's laptop

Looks like you got caught lying....again.

She didn't get arrested "for" stealing the laptop. That is "only" under investigation.

Obviously they arrested her for entering the building, and that is why they were able to pick her up.

The rest of your attempt to slant the story, so you, being the crazy azz liberal you are, you know, Glowbull warming nut case scientist [cough],..........fell on its face mr Biden luver.


"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)