I have seen bullets corroded before but it was because of atmospheric exposure to acids, ammonia can do the same. This was discovered in the Civil war when munitions were stored in horse barns, the ammonia went to work on both powder and bullets destroying them. I have not seen this happen from age hardening to the point you could observe it. Used to shoot a lot of surplus ammo some probably even from WWI and as long as the primers were not corrosive there were no issues.

I have some issues with the Ballistic Reports like when they say so and so bullet is good to 200 kilos, does that mean if the animal is 201 kilos the bullet will bounce off? There are many other demonstrative statements in the reports that just don't hold water. Even though the guy has lots of experience his rational sounds like it is true because I say it is so.

Last edited by DBoston; 01/20/21.