Originally Posted by glockdoofus
In keeping with the terms Super Hardcast, Hardcast, Medium Hardcast and Soft Cast what of the three constituents Lead, Antimony and Tin do you utilize in your casting constituency and the percentages,
Do you ever water quanch your bullets to get them harder? Do you drop them hot into the water or do you let them cool then push them into the water?
What Brendle Hardness do you achieve for?
I want some Super Hardcast for my 44 Special loads for great penertration.
I am casting the 250 Keith but already know I am handicapped with them with the smallish meeplate.
Thanks in advance

What's a brendle? Bulldog, Boxer? No, that would be brindle. Ah, hardness. That's brinell or metapascals, dumbass. If you're gonna troll, don't hook your own lip when casting.