CGPaul I’ve had a CB in house and various vehicles for 30 years. I lived in town back then and got a linear that boosts your power just like the ham guy that came over the piano. I was talking one night and a neighbor knocked on the door and said I don’t know what your talking on but I can hear everything you say on my TV!!! Wasn’t long after that a cable company came through town and ran cable and most people got rid of antennas and you could run some power and get away with it. We all had linear amplifiers and only knew of one guy that got shut down and he deserved it. We would only run on 120 channels and he had a tube type amplifier the size of a small refrigerator and would wipe us all out, nobody could talk unless you were on the same channel as him because the bleed over was so bad. He got a letter from the FCC telling him he had 30 days to comply so he sold it all and the world of CB was glad of it.