Originally Posted by ol_mike
At what point do people like him and others realize they're dummies ?

A relative of mine was subjected to the University of Georgia aka Athens Institute of Communism and Socialism (AICS) liberal mind meld for four years and when he came out he was as rotten a liberal as you wanted to be around....or should I say not be around. Within 5 minutes in his presence, I wanted to throat punch him.
God bless him, he majored in Poly Sci and the only worse possible situation is to come out of that place with an education degree.

Somehow over the course of just a few short years, he shook it off. I don't know if was just growing up and trying to make a living or the old Churchill thing about if you aren't a liberal when you are 20 you have no heart and not a conservative when you are 30 you have no brains. In any event, he is now a fire breathing conservative/libertarian. I think he is one of the smartest people I know.....it takes a helluva intellect to overcome the level of brainwashing he was subjected to in college.

I know of no other liberal person to escape in my sphere of acquaintance. So the answer to your question in the vast majority of cases is never.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn