Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
Newt's delusional. The media will tell those more than 74 million Trump supporters how to feel. And it will tell them to be very ashamed, because they are racists, bigots, and traitors.

Actually I believe Newt (setting aside my feelings about him) is correct. I also believe that while the media can attempt to tell Trump supporters how to feel, it ain’t gonna work. There’s definitely a large portion of the electorate that will swallow everything the MSM says, those are the sheep that are likely to follow their false prophets into their guilt ridden utopia of broken promises and shame for their future thoughts. The fervent conservatives and deep state haters have already endured 4+ years of misdirected liberal angst that manifested itself in riots, murder, assault, arson, property destruction and every other form of political retribution imaginable yet Trump’s support has only grown stronger.

The die has been cast and REAL Conservatives, having endured the last 4 years, have proved that they ain’t jumping ship. No matter how many rats are onboard the conservatives will keep stomping them out. They might breed (recruit) faster than we can stomp but eventually we’ll reach an equilibrium and that’s when the tide will turn.

All this assumes of course that our elections are free and fair....which we know they aren’t. We either need to fix our elections or figure out how to cheat better than they do. If I was a rich man I’d be getting the best computer IT hackers in the world together and setting up a system to out cheat the cheaters.

Putting our faith and trust in the system, like we were raised to do, has proven to be a dead end road. We either tear the whole rotten structure down or we play their game and beat them using their rules and tactics against them....to our advantage.

Who is "them"?