I am a dental hygienist now ( have been for 10 years, as a second career).

I grab every piece of dental lead film I can find. I am on several dental office contact lists for their lead. It is soft and pure. Grab it while you can, as most dental offices are converting to digital ( lead free) xrays, and dental lead film is "drying up" as a cast bullet lead source.

If the lead is from the room walls, double grab as much as you can haul. It is a lot of mass/weight of good soft lead. Might as well be a gold mine.

DO NOT take the protective "lead apron" they drape over you during xrays. It is not lead. It is a rubber matte, infused with lead dust. Worthless for cast bullets.

Grab all the dental X-Ray lead or lead room shielding you can. It is good stuff for cast bullets. It is soft and pure, needs hardening (ie mix 50-5O with wheel weights). It is not radioactive.

"Behavior accepted is behavior repeated."

"Strive to be underestimated."