Originally Posted by Muffin
Originally Posted by ro1459
Pelosi said they will deliver it around 7PM this evening. Twenty nine republican senators have said they will vote not guilty because the trial is illegal. John Roberts said earlier today that he would not preside over this trial because Trump is no longer President. Even Vice President Harris refused to preside. Schumer said he would get the new Senate Pro tempore to head the trial. Does that mean as the the "Judge" he will not get to vote? This is truly outrageous.

Even though in the case of a Presidential Impeachment, the Chief Justice SHALL preside....................

Roberts should be careful, he may be next, dereliction of duty, or some such.........

Can not be a "Presidential Impeachment" if he is not the President. That seems pretty cut and dried to me.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.