Wasn't butt-hurt much, partly because you obviously didn't understand the situation. Which is why I pointed out what was going on. But was also not butt-hurt much because anybody who writes for a living will always get some flak.

But as a professional writer, I also do NOT like somebody attributing some statement to me that I never made. Which is exactly what you did.

Also did not like the website mixing my stuff up with that of other's--and as I pointed out, illegally. But this happens so frequently on the Internet that unless an author is willing spend money on a lawyer and court case, it's not worth it. Partly because websites that do that sort of stuff aren't making enough money to bother with anyway. And if somebody does go after them, they tend to fold up the tent and start another site.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck