Originally Posted by blairvt
Originally Posted by StudDuck
Originally Posted by JamesJr
I know this is going to go against the current trend to use the newest and most expensive shells on the market, but many years of hunting and killing turkeys have taught me that it isn't the brand of ammo you're shooting that kills a turkey. I'm still killing them just fine with plain old lead #5's. I shoot a 20, Carlson choke, Winchester XR's, and don't try to shoot any farther than is ethical.

My point is, that if you can't find a $8.50 shell, a 2 or 3 dollar one, or even less will work just fine. My grandkids have been using plain old 2 3/4 inch, 2 3/4 drams of powder, one ounce of number 5's, and killing turkeys. Of course, they don't shoot at them in the next county over, and it's actually better, regardless of the kind of firearm/ammo combination you're using, to let that bird come within that 35-40 yard range.

Good old-fashioned common sense. Who the he// do you think you are? grin

And don't forget, you can't kill a turkey unless you're wearing your Kuiu Attack Pants or similar garb.

Hell, I'm still using a box of Winchester's that my Dad bought before I was big enough to shoot a 12 ga. Mine are 6's though. Turkey's haven't started wearing helmets.
Oh, and its out of a Winchester 37 red letter. Sure is easy to carry.

I love those old Winchester 37 red letter shotguns. I've got a 101 RL, I inherited when my Dad passed.

Full disclosure: I do use Apex Ammo TSS, but if it's not available, about anything will work; even Cheerios. (that's great!!)

24HCF in its entirety, is solely responsible for why my children do not have college funds, my mortgage isn't paid-off and why I will never retire early enough to enjoy the remainder of my life.