Originally Posted by Whelenman
This spring(if Whittless will let us) . Just putting this out there. It was fun last year but I wish more people would come!


Sorry I'm a month late but, I've been shooting at a state (DNR) run range and we have often 25 to 30 shooters, no masks and you can gather and talk all ya want! Pretty much back to normal at the state range EXCEPT they closed every other bench (the state makes benches that are shared with someone else)! Ridiculous, hell I don't want my own family on the same bench! Ain't enough room and muzzle blasts in the face are common! So I usually buy both seats for the day and skip the problems. Anyway if her ranges are doing it I can't see how IT can force clubs to do different, although with Bonehead Biden at the helm and offering her higher positions(again) the little whore might do anything!

Proper prior practice prevents piss poor performance!