Originally Posted by RiverRider
I know what I saw and I know what everyone else saw.

What did you see? I’m serious, I want to know?

I saw boatloads of people voting and higher turnout usually is better for democratic candidates.

I talked to a lawyer who works for the Democratic Party in another state and he told me they were busting butt to get minorities and democrats in urban areas to early vote. Like literally going door to door and following up repeatedly. Which by the way is not illegal.

I don’t doubt that relaxing early voting requirements had an impact and I’m also absolutely sure the DNC pushed that as hard as they could; but again no courts stopped any of that before the votes were cast and the states certified those results under those respective methods.

And if there was one iota of truthfulness to this alleged evidence why on earth would the three Supreme Court justices appointed by trump not lift a finger to make further inquiry on any case submitted to them.

1/503 Inf., 2nd ID (90-91)
3/327 Inf., 101st ABN (91-92)