Originally Posted by GreatWaputi
Originally Posted by AKduck
I get better sleep on nights than days. Been working 7 on 7 off switching nights/days every two weeks now for 13 years. We get 7 days off in between shifts though so we can live a little life. Ear plugs, sleep mask, and melatonin always does the trick.

Holy chit, shift change every two weeks?! Fugg that!

I rotate every week or sometimes during the week, When I get off for a day or two if my last shift was a day shift, my next will be a night shift and if my last shift was a night my next will be a day. Gotta love the 24 hour turnarounds. You learn to sleep when its available and enjoy your days off as much as possible.
I gave up a days job as an engineer with my company to go to production and work towards moving back into a day role as a supervisor. Best decision I ever made. My pay almost doubled the first year. Should go back on straight days in the next year or so. I will have been on swing shifts for 5 years in August.

Last edited by clwg97; 02/06/21.