Originally Posted by 45_100
Don't remember where I heard this and I have no idea if it is true or not, but someone suggested Putin shares Trump's populist views and rejects the globalist ideology. Maybe that is why the democrats keep trying to connect the two of them.


The globalist want nothing to do with national pride, closed borders, or limited trade. The US should be natural allies with Putin and Russia. Say what you want about Putin but he is pro Russia and more for his country than 99% of US politicians are for there’s. Our real natural enemies are communist China and the globalist. The globalist are all for free trade with China and China’s world leading pollution and human rights/worker abuses without saying a word but constantly talk about US pollution and higher minimum wages while making open borders to drive down wages. It’s a ruse to take over the US economy and globalize with China and doesn’t have a dam thing to do with pollution.

The US “elite” are short sighted and have zero national pride. The Chinese have national pride in spades and play the long game. The real winner when all of this is done will be China still with a monolithic culture and people after the US is a hodgepodge of third worlders.

Last edited by TheLastLemming76; 02/11/21.