We have 2 female Griffs, 14yr & 8yrs old. They are great hunting dogs that seem to want to work with you to cover an area. Ours have hunted huns, sharptail & ruffed grouse, pheasant & quail, and have blood tracked, locating archery killed deer. Ours hunt slower, closer and more methodically than some of the other bigger running dogs (GSP/WP, setters, English pointers) The Griffs I have been around all have had pretty even temperaments. Ours doesn't do well with harsh or any physical discipline. A little scolding goes a very long way with most of them that I have seen. They hunting draw backs - They are deer trackers, rabbit chasers, cat killers and coon chasers, its just the breed. Our oldest has been skunked 2x & porkied 3x, and she would do it again tomorrow. Their coat. There are so many more AWPG breeders now than there were just 14yrs ago. A lot of Walmart puppies are being bred as Griffs seems to have become the popular dog to have now. Most are not bred for hunting and have the "French", cute, fluffy, look. My oldest picks up every bur in the field, she's like velcro. The other has a harsher coat, its not as big of a problem. Ours gets Mane and tail or we just shave her before the hunting season. If you want one for hunting, find a breeder that recognizes how important a harsh wirey coat is when you are in the hunting field.

I can't say enough about how great they are as at home companions too. They are sweet and loving. They are not kennel dogs and need social interaction. They are smart. They need exercise daily or they will drive you nuts. They do great in then house, but, despite what you may have heard, they will shed some. Our 14yr old hunted her last season this past fall, I am on the list for another Griff pup in '22. Good luck to you.

Last edited by HuntKY; 02/17/21.

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