Fauci WHO??

I'm surprised any one is even listening to that Whop Runt.....he's 5 ft tall and is full of more cowschidt than all the cow pastures in the state of Texas.....

We have JOE " you know, the Thing.... Come on Man!" Biden running the nation instead of a Loony Bin somewhere...

We have this runt who evidently doesn't know Jack Schidt, yet is made the Nation's Authority on all this Covid Crap...

Then we are waiting to get Communism Harris as head Bimbo in Charge, who wants to

1. take all fire arms
2. make it that you can't drive your car, by taking all gasoline availability away, can't go buy groceries, or go to work, if you still have a job
3. take away coal, nuclear energy, and natural gas.. so we can all huddle in our houses freezing to death, like Texas just experienced this past week or so...
so She can take credit for stopping "Global Warming" and "Saving the Planet"...

won't even go there with the rest of the looney bin, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Chucky Jewmer, The "Squad".....
Each needs to be removed from Office, right there in their office....and on the spot..... Clean up on third floor style...

There isn't a damn thing you can believe that comes from Washington DC.....

its an entire coup by the liberal left, taking over our nation... as we all stand down and just complain about it... like good little minions....

They are just training us all, so we are ready and turn key ready, for when they give the keys to the White House to the Head Chink from China...
and the USA is just one of China's colonial possessions...

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez