The young woman is four months pregnant with the baby of the man who murdered her child. And she has been raising his five year old son.

The woman gets to spend the rest of her life raising the child of the man who murdered her baby boy. Must be comparable to raising a child born of rape.

Jag, your words are damned harsh in regards to the grieving mother. We have no knowledge in regards to the 2 year old boy's father. It sounds like the murdering man is the bipolar Khugnt.

We do know the murderer is on probation for a previous domestic assault. I would say that should have been a warning to the mother to avoid this relationship. Nor can I believe a person could be capable of such heinous acts without there being some indication that he was just not right in the head.

So yes, I must attribute some guilt to the mother. No one could be so naive.

Last edited by Idaho_Shooter; 02/24/21.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.