Originally Posted by geedubya
Fighting Back Against Corporate Oligarchs
Arnold Ahlert image

What I’m proposing applies to ordinary Americans who don’t have the kind of clout possessed by government, Google, Facebook or all the other corporate behemoth who traffic in our personal information for profit. And if America’s Congress has an ounce of courage, the following could revolutionize the entire data-mining/surveillance landscape:

If one writes a song, a book, etc. and copyrights it, anyone who uses it must pay its creator a royalty.

Congress should pass a law extending such copyright protections to all of one’s personal information. Thus, when corporations sell that info, one should get a royalty payment based on some percentage of that sale.

I can go with the concept of protecting intellectual and artistic rights. Lot's of hard work and time is stolen daily. I too am an artist, communicator / public speaker. This is important to me.
I've had people in public leadership positions openly steal tens of thousands of dollars from me.

A friend just conducted an investigation into his copyright protected works. Guess who the thieves were?

......A: Agencies of multiple govts including the US.
It's not enough that they steal from us yearly. A BIG chunk of labor is taken from us constantly and we are allowed to keep some too.

A: We live in the land of the fee, home of the slave.

Last edited by Happy_Camper; 02/27/21.