Originally Posted by elkmen1
Less people, means a higher quality experience. In many Western units it also ups the success and can allow a trophy animal. General seasons, can be good in some states but the best is usually on permit hunts. I haven't been on a General hunt in several years. But I also apply in numerous states.

I was only referring to Alaska. I am familiar with the draws in the Western States.

I seems like here in Alaska the draw hunts are more of a "bonus" compared to the over the counter hunts, which are the meat an potatoes. In the Western states down in the lower 48 it is the opposite: the draws are the bulk of the hunts and the over the counter tags provide scraps for those who didn't draw.(I'm talking about residents hunting in their own state).

I guess I was just surprised to see so many guys getting really upset about not drawing a tag here in AK. From my perspective is doesn't seem like anything to get upset about. "You didn't draw a sheep tag for an over the counter area? Then go hunt a general area...."

But I do understand getting upset when not drawing means that you can't hunt. I would be a depressed for a week following the Wyoming draws most years.